Inspirational stories
on homelessness


Kyle is staying at the Family Center with his mother, Yvonne.  Yvonne is fleeing from an ongoing abusive relationship with Kyle’s father.  She works full time and was concerned about childcare for 2-year old Kyle.  Kyle has witnessed the physical abuse towards his mother and has attachment issues, initially not wanting to be away from his mom.  Kyle was initially very aggressive towards other children and small animals.  The abuse and instability of being homeless caused Kyle to wake in the night crying inconsolably.


Since Kyle has been attending the Haven, the staff has been able to offer nurturing, consistency and stability to his routine.  Mom is able to go to work, knowing her son is in a safe environment and being well taken care of.  Her attendance at work has improved and she has been able to explore available housing.  Kyle is doing wonderfully in the Haven.  He has made friends to play with and has adults that are loving and caring watching over him.  His aggressiveness has lessened and he has shown tenderness and care when our visitors bring in small animals.  He holds and pets the rabbits and loves it when the roosters crow.  Kyle hasn’t fully developed his verbal skills yet, but recently he has begun using one-syllable words when trying to communicate.  Kyle has come a long way since his first day in the Haven!