At COTS we put the children first and teach the family how to keep what’s best for the children at the heart of decision-making. We integrate shelter and services such as Kids First, Childcare and case management to provide an intensively focused educational experience for parents and children that leverages the residential nature of our services. Our programs strengthens parenting skills and provides parallel support for the children.

Kids First

A 12-week course designed to blend child development information with positive parenting strategies.


COTS offers day care and other comprehensive services to sheltered children and their parents, including tutoring, parent training, counseling and assessment.

“Without childcare, I wouldn’t have had a chance to find a job. Now I’m working and I can relax knowing my son is in a safe, loving environment.” –Janet, mother of a 3-year-old

“Five-year-old Agatha’s ‘storm clouds’ are less frequent and of shorter duration; her face and body are more at ease. She is enjoying being a child rather than a little mother to her siblings.” –a Children’s Haven teacher’s report