INVITATION TO SERVICE, Inspirational stories on homelessness

Through our own mistakes, compassion grows ever stronger for others. – Glen Weaver

The children in our program now clamor for homemade, brain-boosting fruit-and-yogurt smoothies just before afternoon homework tutoring

A shelter member returned from Sack’s Thrift Store beaming with confidence after the store volunteers helped her find 3 perfect “job interview” outfits with a Sack’s clothing voucher.

Amy struggles with reading and practices with us 4 nights a week.  Recently she was seen surrounded by toddlers as she read them a story.

Two 15 year old young men deciding to create a mandatory homework/study time for all the kids in their shared house.

One of our single “grads” dropped by to visit, grateful  to be living at one of our Integrity Houses, where he’s overcome chronic depression, build seniority at his job and save money.

Our Family Center Transitional House @ The MIC is full!!  Each new family has a Mentor and everyone is settling-in and moving forward.

One of our Family Center residents @ MIC is going to get her two front teeth in time for Christmas!  This is happening thanks to a very generous donation!

One of our Family Center residents  cooked a wonderful turkey dinner for all our residents on the second floor last Sunday night.

Pat G, our wonderful Family Center nurse, will be facilitating health and hygiene workshop this month…our families are so lucky to have her!

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.  –Henry Ford

After 3 days of volunteer work, Nikki T was offered a full time job with the company, and starts this Monday.

Our somewhat serious 1 ½ year old began to belly laugh as she watched a stuffed cat meow and roll around on the floor.  It was contagious!

Changes in the life of a 6 year old girl were confusing.  She got some one-on-one support in processing her feelings from Teacher Kendra.

Updated adult and child CPR training helped staff feel prepared for anything.

A single mom with a 5 year old daughter needed food because her work hours were reduced. As we added treats to her food box, she exclaimed “This is just like Christmas!”

Jim celebrated his 1 year sobriety date by visiting family, who joyfully cried seeing him.

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