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Who doesn’t love a good top 10 list?


Our top 10 moments of 2015 at COTS


10. Man who was homeless for 20 years sends Christmas cards from home

Our benefits advocate helped a gentleman (who had been homeless for twenty years) to obtain disability benefits, move into his own apartment, and retrieve his driver's license. He recently sent out Christmas cards using his home address.



9. AnnaBananza music festival honors the life of Anna Bachman


And raises over $16,000 for COTS!


8. A 10-year-old Mary Isaak Center gets a new coat of paint



7. A veteran from our partnership with the Veterans Resource Center gives thanks

“I just wanted you to know that Champ (service dog) and I love the new house and our housemates. The house and yard are beyond my dreams — planted a potted herb garden last night. Words cannot express how thankful I am for this chance. I vow to take advantage of it to get myself in position where I can help others.”



6. Our CEO encourages COTS supporters to become a mentor with Mentor Me …


… with the goal of breaking the cycle of homelessness for 80 kids.


5. A COTS kid earns a full scholarship to Stanford

One of our case managers ran into one of our program graduates at her full-time job at a bakery. Her big news was that her teenage daughter, who had struggled during the years they were homeless, had just been accepted to Stanford on a full scholarship. 


 She wants to become a doctor and work with people who are low income.


4. Our new Board president learns that his contractor is a COTS graduate

“In talking with our roofing contractor, he told me about how his life hit rock bottom 16 years ago due to substance abuse issues. Having lost everything, he wandered into COTS. 


Through COTS' programs and support, he put his life back together, became a COTS counselor and helped others overcome their substance abuse issues, got his contractor’s license, and put his family back together.”


3. A Sonoma landlord rents to a homeless mom with cancer

In November, Rhonda was hospitalized with cancer and was facing spending Christmas in a homeless shelter with her family.  A Sonoma landlord heard about her family’s situation and offered his two-bedroom rental to them at a price they could afford — which was less than he would typically charge. 

Because of this generous landlord, Rhonda, her husband, and their son were able to celebrate Christmas in a home of their own.



2. Our clients tell it best


We couldn’t agree more.


1. We collaborate with Child Protective Services to reopen our Family Emergency Shelter…


... and nearly triple our emergency shelter capacity for families. 



Happy New Year to all of our COTS friends. May the year 2016 bring you joy!



Posted by sarahq on December 31, 2015