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Here is how one of our senior staff members feels about her work at COTS:

"COTS is more to me than a job. For me, it is a passion. I'm inspired by the strength of the people we serve. I'm proud to be part of a team of caring people who see a need and have the desire to help folks move forward toward a safe, healthy and independent life, and hopefully into a home of their own. Seeing the families we serve heal and the children's smiles inspires me to keep doing this work. I'm appreciative of the agency's growth to better meet the needs of homeless people and the support of those who are part of our "COTS Caring Community." Too, I appreciate the responsible and accountable partnership COTS shares with the community."

COTS, located in Petaluma, California,  has been called "the region's most influential homeless program" (Press Democrat, 10/23/2000).  COTS is a thriving, financially sound nonprofit agency that serves and shelters homeless people. Our budget is about $1.8 million dollars, an increase of 900% since 1992.
Diane, Staff Member

COTS offers:

  • excellent compensation
  • a very special and talented staff
  • a supportive and progressive community in which to work
  • outstanding opportunities for personal and professional growth.

We have formerly homeless people on our staff and on our Board of Directors, and seek to interact respectfully and usefully with the people we serve. We encourage a collaborative, team-based approach to solving the many problems we face daily. For many staff members, working at COTS is more than just a job—it’s a calling, a passion, and something of which we are very proud.

If you're interested in working at COTS, please to inquire about openings.