Thank you for choosing COTS for your holiday giving!
For questions contact:
707-Your Elf (707-968-7353)
Thank you for helping COTS families and single adults during the holidays! Read on for easy ways to bring a little cheer to people who need our love and support this holiday season.
1. Adopt a COTS Family for the Holidays
Each family member fills out a “Wish List” with 3 wishes. We provide you with a copy of that list for your “adopted” family. Please anticipate spending approximately $75.00 per person.
2. Adopt a COTS Program
When you provide basic equipment for our programs, it enables us to help hundreds and hundreds of struggling people in our community. Programs in need of sponsoring include the Petaluma Kitchen, Rent Right, and our Family Center, just to name a few.
3. Coordinate a Donation Drive
Drives are flexible, focused, and a great way to help our members. We need drives for everything from food to socks to used computers. Write to us for a list of possible items. Invite the kids to help!
4. Put Up a COTS Giving Tree in Your Office or Store
A “real” tree or even the outline of a tree taped to a wall will work. We give you paper ornaments to hang or tape to your tree. Sponsors look through the ornaments, pick the gift they’d like to give, and take the ornament away. We can provide you with a barrel to collect gifts (and get repeat traffic), or you can direct people to drop off the gifts at our Holiday Donation Center in River Plaza (address on the ornament).
5. Put a Donation Barrel in Your Office or Store
Put out a barrel at your office or store between now and December 21st to collect donations for COTS members or the Petaluma Kitchen.
6. Sponsor a Holiday Wish (from a Giving Tree ornament)
Look for COTS Giving Trees around town and select a wish to sponsor. Giving Trees have paper ornaments with information about each wish.
COTS Holiday Donation Site
24 Washington St. in River Plaza, next to the Dollar Store
Hours: Tuesday 3-6PM Thursday 3–7PM Friday 11AM-7PM Saturday 10AM–6PM
All gifts are due no later than 4PM Saturday, December 20th
Thank you again for choosing COTS for your holiday giving!
For questions contact:
707-Your Elf (707-968-7353)