COTS Programs and Results for FY 2013-14
COTS Programs and Results for FY 2013-14
Mary Isaak Center – Emergency Shelter for Single Adults
100 beds of emergency shelter in large dorm room on the first floor of the Mary Isaak Center. Served 499 unduplicated clients; 48% graduated into permanent or transitional housing; 71% got income while they were there; 82% tested negative for illegal drugs or alcohol.
Kids First Family Shelter
15 beds in one 5-bedroom house in Petaluma for families at risk of child abuse or neglect that are referred by Child Protective Services. Staff provides preventative services designed to intervene in the cycle of abuse and prevent the family from entering the CPS system as an active case.
Mary Isaak Center Family Transitional Housing
35 beds of transitional housing for families in 11 rooms on the second floor of the Mary Isaak Center. 19 families served; 90% graduated into permanent housing when they left the program; 50% Increased income; 100% tested negative for illegal drugs or alcohol for the duration of their stay.
Singles Transitional Housing
32 beds of transitional housing in four 4-bedroom houses in Petaluma. Served 63 unduplicated single adults; 76% graduated into permanent housing when they left the program; 91% got or kept income while they were in the program; 82% tested negative for drugs and alcohol.
2 HUD Houses
16 beds of transitional housing for families in two community-based homes (one in Rohnert Park and one in Petaluma). 10 families served; 100% graduated into permanent housing upon exit; 100% increased income while in the program; 100% tested negative for drugs and alcohol while in the program.
Vida Nueva
75 beds in 24 units of permanent supportive housing for families with a disabled head of household or child. Supportive services provided by COTS staff on-site. 27 families served; 85% remained stably housed for at least one year; 54% of adults remain in school or work each year; 97% of adults participate in enrichment activities.
Integrity Houses
42 beds of permanent housing in 11 community-based rental houses for mostly single adults. 54 served; 95% remain stably housed for at least one year. PT staff provides supportive services to allow residents to remain permanently housed.
Permanent Supportive Housing 1 for Veterans
9 beds in four 2-bedroom apartments in Petaluma for chronically homeless, with a preference for veterans. Served 11 residents; 100% remained stably housed for at least one year; 100% increased skills and income; 73% tested negative for drugs and alcohol;
Permanent Supportive Housing 2 for Veterans
8 beds in four 2-bedroom apartments in Rohnert Park for chronically homeless with a preference for veterans. Served 10 residents; 100% remained stably housed for at least one year; 100% increased skills and income; 75% tested negative for drugs and alcohol;
Rapid Rehousing program
30 families served in community-based rental housing with rent subsidies up to 24 months to allow transition into permanent housing. Supportive services provided to increase income and self-sufficiency within a 24-month time frame. At termination of subsidies and services, 80% of families will remain permanently housed.
Food Programs (Petaluma Kitchen & Food Box Program)
Petaluma Kitchen serves approximately 120 meals a day to the community at large (Lunch only) and the residents of the Mary Isaak Center (breakfast, Lunch and Dinner). Served 127,000 meals last year. Food Box Program delivered 162,000 pounds of supplementary food to 300 households in Petaluma.
Children’s Programs (Kids First and Triple P)
Based primarily at the Mary Isaak Center’s transitional housing program for families, the Children’s Programs serve all children in families at COTS. Served 39 children; 100% demonstrate trust and engagement and increase life skills; 100% attend school; 100% of families who attended Kids First parenting class, improved parenting.
Rent Right
8-week intensive financial literacy and housing course. Served 100 clients from all COTS programs. 95% of Rent Right clients graduate to permanent housing when they leave one of COTS shelter or transitional housing programs.
Work Right
64 clients served. Programs include work readiness training for all COTS clients on a work track and employment of Interns and apprentices in the Mary Isaak Center and food programs. Includes benefits advocate to help disabled clients of all COTS programs to access public assistance benefits.