Emergency Shelter for Single Adults
- Beds: 100
- Annual # of people served: 500
- Location: Mary Isaak Center
- Length of stay: 6 months
- Services provided: Food, clothing, showers, phone and a messaging system access, computer access, and transportation assistance. Mental health and chemical dependency recovery support. Job skills training. Assistance in obtaining employment or other income.
Transitional Housing for Single Adults
Residents pay a small amount of rent and have access to supportive services that assist them on their path to permanent housing.
- Beds: 32
- Annual number of people served: 69
- Location: 4 multi-room homes in Petaluma
- Length of stay: 1 year
- Services provided: Drug and alcohol recovery groups, Work: Ready employment services, Rent Right: Financial literacy and housing search class.
Permanent Supportive Housing
- Beds: 18, One house, 4 two-bedroom apartments and 5 one-bedroom apartments
- Locations: Rohnert Park, Petaluma and Santa Rosa
- Length of stay: Permanent
- Services provided: Serving chronically homeless persons with a preference for veterans, recieve intensive case management, emergency supplementary food (through our Food Box Program), and access to Rent Right and Work:Ready skills trainings.
Integrity Houses
- Beds: 41, 9 homes
- Locations: Rohnert Park and Petaluma
- Length of stay: Permanent
- About these homes: Open to COTS graduates, these privately-owned homes are self-managed, clean and sober, and democratically run through cooperative decision-making. A COTS Manager selects the tenants, sets up the furnishings, and facilitates the lease process between owner and tenants. Tenants pay rent directly to the owner and are responsible for the smooth operation of the home. COTS will intervene only when necessary, to resolve exits and refer eligible tenants to fill vacancies.
- Expansion plans: Our plan is to expand this program to over 50 homes serving 200 residents in the next five years! If you have rental property and are interested in becoming an Integrity House landlord, .
Landlord Sheila Deignan stands in front of her home that she rents to our Integrity House program participants.
From Integrity House landlords
"We are happy to be able to help COTS graduates just by giving them the same opportunity anyone else would have. We never have a moment's worry and we are especially pleased that our tenants love the house and have made it their home." - Karen Saunders
"I believe in second chances. I have special feelings for people in need who are trying to rebuild and improve their lives. I'm in a position to offer affordable rent in exchange for great tenants who take a lot of pride in being under a roof of their own." - Dot Henderson